April 23, 2009 Provided by organizer of GP Bici In light of the safety hazard caused by the snow and ice in Calgary and southern Alberta we will be rescheduling our race to later in the season. Please note the following information regarding the decision. 1) Travel in Southern Alberta is currently very dangerous, and the Police are already recommending for people to avoid traveling in their cars in certain areas. 2) There is a LOT of snow on the ground in parts of Calgary and the temperatures over the next few days are calling for highs just above zero and LOWS BELOW ZERO. 3) All the ice on the ground means that there is going to be fresh road salt gravel on the ITT course - sweeping this may or may not be advisable because of the ice risk. 4) There is a good chance we will get some more rain or snow over the weekend - thereby wetting the track. While I would really like to go forward with this race it may put people at risk and damage the reputation of Bicifest as being a safe race.GP BICI CANCELLED