March 13 , 2009
The Alberta Bicycle Association is excited to announce a women's coaching development program. The program which is funded by the InMotion Network will allow up to 8 women coaches to assist with funding (up to $200) participation in coaching education, professional development and mentoring opportunities.
All applications must be made in writing and include the following:
Coaching Résumé (max 1 page)
- name, address, home and business telephone numbers, fax number, e-mail address
- current coaching position (or desired future coaching perspective)
- previous coaching positions (include level of coaching position, dates of full-time and part-time employment, name of employer)
- additional coach education, courses or clinics attended
- related athletic background
- major coaching achievements.
Proposed Learning Objectives
- identify clear learning objectives and outcome related to the specific grant
- indicate how the proposed activity will provide a practical coaching/educational experience.
- indicate how the activity will contribute towards higher levels of coaching certification.
Professional Development Opportunities
- Coaches will be asked to support take part in one of the following ABA programming activities
- Camps/Clinics
- Provincial Team Project
- High School Development Camps
- Coaches are asked to indicated which of these activities they would like to participate in.
Promotion of Women in Coaching Activity
- Identify an activity (e.g. presentation, course, publication) as part of your proposal that will help to promote women in coaching. Include information about the target audience, location and date of the presentation, etc.
Letter of Support
- Your application must include a letter from a club or mentor coach supporting your participation in the program.
All applicants must be members of the Alaberta Bicycle Association in good standing.
Applications close March 29, 2009.
For more information contact:
Kipp Kaufmann
Executive Director
Alberta Bicycle Association
11759 Groat Road
Edmonton, AB
T5M 3K6