The ABA purchases insurance through Gallagher Insurance. All information, explanations and forms can be found at the Canada Cycling Insurance program website found here. I'm Injured, now what? How to report a claimIf an incident and / or accident occurs, it must be documented and recorded immediately. If there is personal injury or property damage the ABA must be notified immediately. An ABA Accident Report should be the minimum level of documentation. Additional documentation of witness statements, list of names involved, photos of the scene would make an exceptional report. Reporting should be as in depth as possible as most litigation is brought forward years after the incident when club members with a memory of the incident might not be around anymore.
Resources:Cycling Insurance Program Insurance Forms/Waivers: Download Membership Waiver- Adult Download Membership Waiver- UNDER Age of Majority Single Event License -Adult Single Event License- UNDER Age of Majority
Additional Travel Medical: Canadian Athlete Insurance Program (CAIP) CAIP Enrollment Form For further information on program please contact: M. Kirsch Financial Services Organizer Insurance: Organizer insurance forms and information can also can be found here Liquor Liability Supplemental Application Insurance Certificate/Commercial Event Insurance Alberta Bicycle Association Insurance CoverageOverview Insurance for our cycling members is arranged through a collaborative effort between a number of provinces in Canada. Provinces under the program include Alberta, Yukon, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador and PEI. There are several different types and levels of insurance available under this policy, each with its own use and purpose. Most of this coverage is included as part of your membership dues. Below is a brief description of the various types of coverage and whether they are included as part of your membership dues or available for an extra fee. ……………………………………………………...
10 MILLION CGL (Comprehensive General Liability): Competitive Activities Members of the Alberta Bicycle Association are covered under the 10 Million Comprehensive General Liability. This insurance is designed to protect a person against legal responsibility arising out of a negligent act or failure to act as a prudent person would have acted to which results in bodily injury or property damage to another party. Any individual in your activity can claim damages as a result of an injury. Even though you may not be negligent in your actions, defense costs alone can be financially devastating. The policy will provide protection for both legal defense costs and any compensatory damages that may be awarded, subject to the limits and conditions of the policy, transferring your risk to an insurance policy provides you the opportunity to run your activity with peace of mind. The higher limit is due to the competitive nature of cycling activities. Included with club or independent membership dues
AD & D (Accidental Death and Dismemberment) Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage means you would receive a lump sum payout in the event of an accident resulting in death, dismemberment, paralysis, loss of use, sight, speech or hearing under the conditions outlined in the policy. Combined with other forms of insurance, it offers an added layer of protection. A summary of this coverage is available here.
Sport Accident Insurance For racing Licenses Sport Accident Insurance For Community Memberships Personal Cycling Insurance Participating Cycling Associations members only have insurance coverage for Liability and Sports Accident when they are participating in “sanctioned activities”. Any “activities” deemed outside the core program, would not be covered. To cover this gap, there is an optional Liability and Accident policy which fills the gap that members may purchase. This exclusive coverage provides 24/7 coverage as a result of an accident directly arising from your use of a bicycle. Not included as part of membership dues (license). |